Monday, April 26, 2010


I learned about Protection Requirements which can divided into 2 categorize:
1)Basic requirements
Basic requirements is that the customer’s arrangements for protection at the connection point ,including types of equipment and protection settings ,must be compatible with standard practices on the TNB’S system and be as TNB specifies during the application for supply process.
This is especially critical for medium voltage and High Voltage Customers.
Specific Requirements
Customers shall take into consideration the following specific protection practices of TNB in designing their installation.
-Maximum clearance times (from fault current inception to fault clearing)must be within the limits established by TNB in their short circuit rating policy for the distribution system.
-Auto-resoling or sequential switching features may be used on TNB ‘s distribution system .TNB will provide details on the operating sequence utilized for the supplies on the proposed installation so that the customer can plan for this in the design and protection of his facility.
-On some TNB’s distribution system ,certain types of faults may cause disconnection of one phase only of a three phase supply.

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