Monday, April 26, 2010


Go through Load Forecast which is used as a means of predicting future electricity demand or sales growth based on historical data.
The future electricity demand information derived will assist system planners in proposing new equipment and facilities as well as reinforcing and upgrading the existing system to meet the increasing demand.
Accurate ,Reliable and Defendable forecast will help planners in making prudent investment decision for the system expansion ,reinforcement and new plant-up.
The forecast horizon has been defined in accordance to the upcoming Malaysian Distribution code:
Short term:1-2 years
Medium term:3-5 years
Long term:6-10 years
Short term forecast is useful for operational planning and capital budgeting as well as for material procurement planning requirements.
PPU plants up proposal and Distribution network planning will use short to medium term forecast.
Alternatively ,sub-transmission capacity planning or PMU planning utilizes medium-term forecasts.
Long term provides inputs and lead time for generation plats ups ,substation sites and associated way leave identification and acquisition.

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